Understanding some cultural norms will go a long way in ensuring a smooth and respectful visit to Russia.
- Handshake: A firm handshake is the standard greeting for men and women in business and formal settings. Maintain eye contact and a smile while shaking hands.
- Greetings by Name: Russians use titles and patronymic names (middle name derived from father’s name) as a sign of respect with someone older or of higher status. Ask how to address someone appropriately if unsure.
- Greetings with a Kiss: Close friends and acquaintances, especially women, greet each other with three cheek kisses, alternating cheeks and starting with the left. Men usually don’t kiss each other unless they’re close friends.

- Dress modestly: While fashion trends exist, avoid overly revealing clothing in religious sites or conservative areas. Pack neatly for business settings.
- Be on time: Punctuality is valued in Russia. Arrive on time for meetings and appointments.
- Take off shoes indoors: It’s customary to remove your shoes when entering someone’s home or a place of worship.
- Accept hospitality graciously: If offered food or drink, it’s polite to accept at least a small amount. Refusing can be seen as rude.
- Learn a few basic phrases: A little effort goes a long way. Even a simple “Здравствуйте” (Zdravstvuyte) which means “Hello” shows respect.
- Public Displays of Affection: PDA is generally frowned upon in Russia. Keep displays of affection to a minimum in public areas.
- Braging or Boasting: It’s considered impolite to boast about your wealth or achievements.
- Talking Loudly in Public: Russians tend to value personal space and keep their voices down in public areas.
- Criticizing Russia or its Culture: It’s best to avoid sensitive topics like politics or history. Focus on positive and respectful conversation.
- Pointing with one finger: This is considered rude. Use an open hand gesture to point.

Useful Phrases:
- Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte): Hello
- Спасибо (Spasibo): Thank you
- Пожалуйста (Pozhaluysta): Please (when making a request)
- До свидания (Do svidaniya): Goodbye
- Не могли бы вы мне помочь? (Ne mogli by vy mne pomoch’): Could you help me?
- Вкусно (Vkusno): Delicious
- Да (Da): Yes
- Нет (Net): No
- Извините (Izvinite): Excuse me
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